Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Only in Bako: three pit bulls rip into man as witness snap photos

It's a truly tragic story - three pit bulls attack a 35-year-old man and rip into him as witnesses watch in horror and one uses his iPhone to snap photos - and it has that "only in Bakersfield" flavor to it. If you haven't read Steven Mayer's account in The Californian, check it out here. Thank goodness a 69-year-old neighbor used his cane to rescue the man, but not before witness Damon Hill snapped this photo using his cell phone. Are pit bulls now the country's most popular breed, or is this a Bakersfield phenomena?


Anonymous said...

This picture is soooo Bakersfield!

Anonymous said...

Pit bulls can be the sweetest dogs in the world. Our LA neighborhood had a black-and-white pit bull who was the favorite of everyone for her charm and friendliness...and a constantly wagging tail. Never hurt a soul, but she would lick little kids half to death. Check out the perfectly behaved pit bulls that the Dog Whisperer has on his show. Even some of the abused pit bulls that came from Vicks' fighting ring, according to one program, could be rehabilitated. Too bad some pits have either been bred or treated cruelly or lacked proper training so that they became brutes in some cases. Pity the poor creatures -- and volunteer at or donate to one of the organizations locally that help all the lost, abandoned and abused animals discarded in our county. Heaven knows there are thousands and thousands who need help. The Californian has been so good in helping animal shelters in the past. Thank you to the newspaper management for all your efforts in this important effort.