I was mildly surprised this evening when I went online and found that Congressman Kevin McCarthy, our Bakersfield Republican from the 22nd District, was "following" me on Twitter.com. Now for the uninitiated, understand that Twitter is a type of social networking technology with important implications for businesses and individuals. You establish an account and people "follow" your thoughts (or tweets) online. That's it in its simplest form but if you are not on it, you need to understand it. To this point my Twitter network consisted of a daughter in New York who tweets about bad dates and late, late nights in Soho, a friend in LA who is into really bad haiku, a fellow gym rat and a dear friend in Maryland who is absolutely obsessive about guitars. So it was nice to welcome the chief deputy whip into my world - an upgrade!- but more interesting to see how our congressman is using the power of social networking to spread the GOP gospel and keep his constituents up to date on legislation. Of course Kevin has a website (check it out here) but it seems downright old school compared to the tweet.
Kevin found me also. It is great to get first hand information as he works on our behalf. Are you going to share your Twitter name?
I hope to convince Bob Smith, who is now on FaceBook, to start twittering.
Just search Twitter for my name and you'll find me...
By "really bad haiku" I'm sure you mean the baddest haiku.
Don't get a swelled head...McCarthy's been following me on Twitter for weeks already! Jokes on him though, I have NOTHING to say!
This is disheartening. I thought the congressman and I had a special bond! You mean I'm just another ... voter!?
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