Friday, June 17, 2011

McCarthy: a year after the Obama 'recovery summer' are things really any better?

 Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy presents his weekly view form Capitol Hill. In his words:

 "This Friday marks the one-year anniversary of the Obama Administration’s ‘Recovery Summer,’ but as we have seen, this ‘recovery’ hasn’t manifested itself in our local communities. We have gone 28 months with unemployment above eight percent – the level that was promised we would never reach if we passed the trillion-dollar stimulus. Small business start-ups are at their lowest point in over a decade and the National Federation of Independent Business reported this week that more small businesses have plans to shrink their
payroll than expand it.

 "Like you, I am frustrated by this. The families and small businesses in our communities are right to expect their lawmakers to promote policies that will help spur job creation, not stymie it. Right now, the National Labor Relations Board is trying to tell Boeing – one of America’s biggest exporters and job creators – where they can and cannot put a new facility. Boeing wants to invest in the U.S. and create thousands of new job opportunities, but government bureaucrats are trying to stand in the way. 
 "We should be encouraging companies to invest in the U.S., not punishing them. That’s exactly what my
colleagues and I are fighting for. We’re working for tax reform, less regulation and less red tape. We’ve voted to do away with the EPA’s greenhouse gas rules and the FCC’s net neutrality proposal that would have hurt small businesses, and are currently working on legislation in the House to incentivize U.S. multinational corporations to bring money back from overseas to reinvest in American jobs. This and other actions to reform our tax code contained in our Plan for America’s Job Creators will help boost our economy.

 "In Washington, we began the process of passing appropriations bills in the House. Historically, there are 12 such bills that set funding for most Federal agencies, departments and programs. We passed two this
week and will take up others over the course of the summer. In the Pledge to America, we committed to bring spending down to pre-bailout, pre-stimulus levels, and collectively, our bills meet this goal.
However, much more work remains to be done.

 "On Thursday, Robin Mangarin made her last newscast for KGET. I know I join many in our community in thanking her for being a fixture on our television sets for the past 15 years. I also had the pleasure of
seeing local families and students in Washington this week. I spent time with the Chandler, Balfanz, Clark and Jamieson families, as well as the Fruitvale Junior High History Day Team Students.

 "Finally, I want to wish all the dads out there a Happy Father’s Day. Being a dad is one of the great joys in the world, and I am so proud of my kids, Connor and Meghan. My father Owen would have turned 70
this month, and as countless fathers have done for their sons, he taught me how to be a good dad, and I will continue to strive to live up to his example.

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