* ... VALLEY FEVER: House Majority Whip McCarthy may be in the cross hairs over immigration reform, but some of the most important work he is doing is in trying to find a vaccine for Valley Fever. He has now gotten the attention of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and two CDC directors will be in Bakersfield Sept. 23-24 for the first Valley Fever Symposium. McCarthy is invited all survivors of Valley Fever, and their family and friends. to a reception on Sept. 23 at 4:30 p.m. at the Hans Einstein Center at 1800 Mount Vernon.
* ... MORE VALLEY FEVER: And speaking of Valley Fever, did you know that 97 percent of all Valley Fever cases come from Kern and three Arizona counties? It's the limited impact geographically that has allowed the disease to fly under the radar.
* ... SPOTTED: On Truxtun Avenue headed east near Oak Street a reader spots a Bakersfield police officer in an unmarked patrol car, stopped with his lights and flashers on in the left hand lane. "He was out of his vehicle helping a driver push his stalled or broken-down car out of the road and into a nearby parking lot. I know it's something pretty simple, and I shouldn't really be surprised, but it was awesome to see one of our local officers offer a quick helping hand to a stranded motorist. And I think it shows you're never too busy to help someone."
* ... PROSTATE CANCER: There is a free prostate cancer screening for the uninsured or under insured this Saturday. It's sponsored by the Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center and local urologists and will be held at the CBCC on Truxtun Avenue. You can call now to make a free appointment at (661) 862-7136. The screening runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Santos' bullying tactics fit right along with ILLEGAL aliens crowding to the front of the immigration line. They are not being fair to LEGAL immigrants.
I hope Mr. McCarthy remembers that we are a nation of laws.
Mr Beene,
I know blogging is held to more relaxed standards of journalism than straight reporting, but it would have been nice to check with me statements attributed to me.
For the record, what Rep. McCarthy told you I told him is a distortion, a fabrication.
If you are interested in finding out what I actually told him, feel free to contact me and I'll be glad to tell you or one of your able reporters.
But for now, and paraphrasing Harry Truman, suffice it to say: I'm not in the habit of threatening politicians, I merely tell them the truth and they think it's a threat.
BTW, his "explanation" for his noticed absence on the two large pilgrimage events last Sunday & Monday is also disingenuous. His staff informed us WEEKS IN ADVANCE he would NOT greet or meet the pilgrims. Had he been willing to greet us and join us in searching for a pathway to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans, we would have gladly walked even longer to accommodate his recess schedule.
Thank you for the excellent coverage of those events and publishing our editorial on Wednesday.
Prof. Gonzalo Santos
Pilgrims? Really? This group is championing the cause of overlooking laws to make outlaws citizens.
Where there is smoke there is fire Professor. I believe the Congressman mentioned feeling threatened in the Bakerfield Observer?
Professor Santo's quotes President Truman and I will quote the late Congressman John Bingham!
John Bingham stated in the House of Representatives in 1862:
He reiterated his statement in 1866:
READ LAST PARAGRAPH: "Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural-born citizen; but, sir, I may be allowed to say further that I deny that the Congress of the United States ever had the power, or color of power to say that any man born within the jurisdiction of the United States, not owing a foreign allegiance, is not and shall not be a citizen of the United States. Citizenship is his birthright and neither the Congress nor the States can justly or lawfully take it from him."
Why are we handing American birth certificates to the babies of illegal aliens without finding out if the parents own an allegiance to a foreign government? At many Immigration rallies I see a sea of Mexican flags? Why?
This issue should be discussed don't you think?
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