In 1970 James Kirkwood wrote a wonderful play called "PS Your Cat is Dead" about a hapless actor named Jimmy Zoole who is first jilted by his lover on New Year's Eve, then learns his beloved cat is dead and finally comes home to find his house burglarized. Like Zoole, local businessman and bike shop owner Kerry Ryan (pictured) is both a sympathetic character and a good soul. Kerry's energy, enthusiasm and generosity are boundless but even good guys have their Zoole-like moments. Last week Kerry, owner of Action Sports over off Calloway Drive, left town for a few days to attend a vendor show in Las Vegas and returned to find his nearly new southwest Bakersfield home a disaster. Seems there was a short in an electrical outlet that melted the plastic and triggered a smoldering fire in his master bedroom. Smoke filled the room (luckily the doors were closed), the AC kicked on and soot filled his 5,000 square foot home. Kerry came home to a beautiful home literally coated in soot. Then, a few nights later, a second fire similar in nature hits his garage where a car, jet ski, golf clubs and his bike are stored. He estimates the damages in the hundreds of thousands yet you can't get Kerry to feel sorry for himself. It's not in his DNA.
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