State Sen. Roy Ashburn, the Bakersfield Republican, cast one of the key deciding votes to pass the state budget today. For a guy who built is career standing against taxes, it was like a slap in the face to his conservative supporters, who are now after his head. Bakersfield's right-wing talk radio - notably Inga Barks of KERN 1180 and Jaz McKay on KNZR 1560 - was abuzz today about Roy's turnabout, which left everyone wondering: "Why did he do it?" Already termed out in the Senate, street speculation is that Roy is positioning himself for a state appointment, but who knows? Meanwhile, former city councilman Mark Salvaggio threw Roy some love. In an email to me and a ton of others, Mark praised Roy's courage.
"Your legislative courage helped save our state from economic collapse," he wrote. "I hope you are now getting some much-needed rest. Don't fret over Inga Barks' intransigence."
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